Monday, November 29, 2004

Wedding Bells - its smiles & no tears

Lately its so happening that most of my friends especially girls are getting married Padma, Zoharat, Sunita, Mohini , Parna, Binod.

Congratulations to all !!!.

So these days whenever we talk I hear of lots of jewellery, clothes for themselves as well as relatives, tailors, printing and distributing cards...meeting friends, huge telephone bills (i.e above 10K), deciding the wedding venue and menu..etc. Whatz more common is that all their parents are getting very emotional and shed tears whenever they recollect that their girl would soon be wedded and no longer stay with them.

Isn't it an irony that before marriage the parents are worried and their only task is wanting to get their lovable daughters married soon but once the mission is accomplished tears roll in automatically.

Even on the wedding day , during bidai all the girls cry, it comes in naturally for some, rather most...and for my bhabhi Anjali....she was being forced to cry during bidai, stating that it is shagun..and Anjali refused to cry saying "Why should I cry.. I am happy , ofcourse will miss my parents but am starting a new life and want to start it with a smile."
I think it takes great courage and strength NOT to cry the wedding day , the moment then is so so emotional. Lemme confess, even I cried at various such occasions, infact in one of my cousins wedding my jijaji(the bridegroom) also cried.

So dear girls of the new generation (including me)....Don't cry during your wedding, Walk in your new life with a smile.Wish you all a very happy and successful married life.

and to all the unmarried ones..All the best for KP's :-)

P.S : Talking of weddings: Yesterday was a royal wedding of Sameer Kalmadi. With all the VIPS and film stars showering their blessings on the newly wed couple, the staff at Pune Lohegaon airport were more worried of the parking...not outside the airport...but inside the airport. There was even a helicopter arranged as a ferry from the airport to the wedding venue.

"Badde log baddi baatein"

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