Thursday, December 16, 2004


We often get compliments and give compliments, I received a compliment this morning, I received the same compliment many times but then too it makes me feel good everytime. Was wondering why do I feel good and WHAT is ' A COMPLIMENT' and here's what I found..

Dicitonary meaning

com·pli·ment ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kmpl-mnt)
An expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation. A formal act of civility, courtesy, or respect.
compliments Good wishes; regards: Extend my compliments to your parents.
Some questions
When is a good time to give a compliment?
Why don't people give more compliments?
What are the benefits of giving compliments?
Are there any rules for giving compliments?
What's a good compliment?
Who can you compliment?
The Theory
Compliments are a simple, yet powerful, relationship building tool. There are many different reasons to give a compliment. The most compelling - it makes you feel good. You cannot give a sincere compliment without feeling great. It's impossible. Why does it feel so wonderful to pay a compliment? Because you are connecting honestly, directly, and kindly with another human being. It is a basic need that doesn't get met often in our fast-paced, media-hyped, negative-slanted, technical world.

There are also many hidden benefits to giving compliments. It's amazing that such a small, simple skill like giving away compliments can change the way you view yourself and the world around you. You will experience joy and happiness as you learn to give honest compliments.

Knowing something is good doesn't always translate into action. So why don't we make compliments often. It doesn't take long to give away compliments. heartfelt, honest to goodness, acts of kindness. It costs nothing but a little time, energy, and the desire to make your life and the lives of others better. Everyone appreciates kindness and Everyone feels great

So pass atleast ONE compliment a day...this blog has also given you an oppurtunity:)

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