Sunday, August 22, 2004

Adios Selectica!!!

Friday was my last day of my career with Selectica; it’s 5 years that have been a part of this family. Started , as being the 50th employee and parted as being amongst the 5 oldest employees. Many ‘first time things’ done here personally as well as professionally. Enjoyed each and every moment of working, learnt a lot from my Boss(he is a ‘real bhala manus and would love to work with him again) and my colleagues in US. Will miss a lot of things, especially the lunch table conversations and laughter.

Made many friends here,
Uncle David originally from Kerala hailing from chennai who is trying to get his Alto to Pune past 6 months. People have serious doubts if he has one. Lets hope he makes it this time with the help of Mr golden voice.

The Parla boy for his very subtle sense of humor and creation of controversies on the lunch table.

The silent gentle giant from Jabalpur, Only on his command we would rise from the lunch table. Our watches are corrected by his punctuality.

The hulk laughing man Aka bottomless pit who is good both at sports and brains. He is the only one who is very faithful to our PJ expert and laughs on all his jokes and was a very good team mate. Thanks for everything debs.

Mr DivX and download expert who enlightens us with various diet charts and ‘excellent’ sense of humor. He is engrossed in downloading so much that he has to be reminded that he was born and not downloaded. It was great having you in the team.

Nysa the multiple talented Trainer, who always Dares and is popular for pouring tea, coffee, water ink etc on us and calls it ‘sisterly affection’. She is a great trainer (as every conversation sounds like attending a training), writes for newspapers magazines and actually she is a good painter too.

Menon Ali D’costa the frequent traveler, am called her chauffer in the company. Will miss her and all the conversations too and fro from home to office

The ‘Jabaa’ boy who wants to roam the world (or is it only Amrika). Will miss his singing and dancing.

The sensitive cancerian and my English coach, who demands complete attention before he talks and he pauses for so long that we finish up telling a story to each other only to realize his conversation is not over yet. Will miss his smirk face and sarci comments along with all the gentleman giri.

The telugu vaisya girl for her dadagiri or shd I call it didigiri who is looking for a groom with a huge ’acceptable-not acceptable list’ (its almost half after her return from States) . Good Luck girl!!!!

Sprint girl MM for her enthu and active participation in everything at work including work. Never says No, and she is the only one who addresses everybody with ‘AAP’ and it does not sound filmi but its very natural.

Zee for her gentle lovely voice and all the kicks to the guys. Wish you a very happy married life Zee.

Nawab saheb the Sports icon currently in SanHosay, More than him I guess will miss his chef Hiralal for the yummy food.

P.S: Thanks to all for so many gifts and a good farewell. You have really made sure that I cannot afford to forget you :o)

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