Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Part 2

It might be a good idea to read Part 1 first.
Sorry for posting part 2 late, got pretty busy with some work, nevertheless here is part 2,it might be an anti-climax for some of you though.

It was a nice weekend, Monday work suddenly a window popped saying hii, remember me...she wondered who it was and it struck her that it was him..she said yes, she remembered and he was happy. she asked him how he was and told how good the party was etc. he asked her about her and some details of how long shed been with the company etc. She was wondering why the boy had pinged her. Was he interested in her...but she chucked that thought coz he looked much smaller and She thought he had some work with her...but the guy said he'd generally pinged her. later during the day he called her too, she wondered again that why did he call her. She talked and then he called her again, then smsed her...He called her again that night and she was wondering why is the kid calling her. Fianlly she asked and he said, just like that, cant i be your friend. They talked at odd hours after that, asking what they did during the day , hobbies etc sometimes in whispers too coz it was too late, finally they met for coffee after a week. She felt odd coz he was shorter, leaner , younger than her. But they met and as she had predicted she was right, he was pretty uncomfortable when they met or walked together towards the cafe :-), he was looking out and she was suggesting him other gals/friends she knew. They had a little conversation where he still felt very awkward finally he paid the bill and they left. She felt weird too, since then he dint message her or call her and on chat both keep a busy icon. Wonder what went wrong

1. Did the height and status of the gal matter to him? It was not that he was seeing her for the first time.
2. Did he not like her suggesting other girls to him?

3. Did he see that she was not interested in him?
4. Is it that sometimes with some people, you just dont know what to talk when you meet them?
5. Was it a bet that he had with his colleagues?
6. Sometimes the wavelengths just dont match and you dunno what to do?
7. Did she/he do anything wrong?

1 comment:

Mr. J said...

Ahhh... today seems to be the anti-climax day. Hhmm!! Quite a bunch of questions. I keep my mouth shut this time.