Friday, July 30, 2004

The world of Design n Fashion

Fashion (tashhan for North Indians) and Desgin world is no longer limited to clothes, shoes etc, you can see it everywhere even your bathrooms.(remember the Jaquar ads...classy accessories)
I'd noticed this substantially on my first visit to States i.e Amrika 4 years back where we would roam around a lot visiting different places (including their restrooms).
Washing hands was like a small mystery to be solved there,
Besides normal taps(like in India) whose  knob needs to be rotated anticlockwise for the nirmal jal, there were taps whose lever had to be turned left or right, some levers up, some down...some knobs had to be pushed , while others had to be pulled and the heights was for some there were no knobs and lever at all. I was like 'okay this is a difficult one' and confused as to how do I get water out of this when I saw an American lady helping her kids , then I realized that one just had to place hands under it and the water would gush out.
Cool Isn't?
These tap designers are really very creative. Fashion is everywhere these days and no longer only a girl thing. The  other day I saw one of my blogger friend wearing a blood RED shoe with only 3 grey stripes and he said it was fashion and the Design was very comfy.

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