Thursday, February 08, 2007

Vanilla IceCream everywhere

I woke this morning to see a sight where everything is covered with layers and layers of white cream...mmm vanilla everywhere. There is snow on the roofs, on the cars like they have a white thick carpet on their roofs, the footpath,the grass, well the grass is not seen at all, the bare trees, they are all outlined with white snow, so all of them look black and white and they look so beautiful. Its as if watching life in black and white.
I just dint feel like going to work then....but well the railways were working fine, just that they were majorly delayed and I cant tell my boss that I am not well...coz I was all up and bubbly the previous I decided will go late. Then I made a nice snowman in the front yard :-) (will upload its pic later today coz its in the other camera), played in snow with housemates then geared myself well, and walked my way to the station. Children were making snowman in their yards, people walking on the footpath taking utmost care, everybody's leather accessories were out. The announcer had a new line this morning warning us and cautioning us to take utmost care while walking else all they would say is Please mind the gap between the train and the platform, Miiiiiiiind THE gap, Please walk right down inside the carriages, Please use all available space, This train is now ready to depart, please mind the closing doors, Miiiiiiind the closing doors please. The train driver was apologizing time and again for the delays and would keep telling us the situation like how many trains are queued in front of us blah blah..I felt like saying Duh!! its obvious there are gonna be delays...we are all walking on it...but well this is London, they are polite and generous in all the talking they do.
Anywyas, the
train tracks looked so nice , black and white , the seats covered with snow..and some stations were closed too, due to bad platforms or unavialibility of staff, and now I am at work. but I managed to get some shots on my way. I just love the snow.
Its snowing today in london,(well i think that is quite obvious by now) this is the second snow for this year...last time it was just 1 or 2 inches but this time there is a good 6-8 inches of snow and it is still snowing as I peep out of my office window.I know snow is not a big it snows so many places in the world..but in London its just so different.
Ok enough of my snow snow snow...peace guys...well peace is also white in colour :-)

P.S : Thanks to Babul for the train tracks pic.


puja said...

so Ms Snow White that was a gud description u gave. although i have not seen actual snow fall i cud experience it and enjoy it after readin ur blog. awaitin ur photos.

Sunita said...

Yummy!!! Watching snow fall through your window panes with a hot cup of tea or coffee is heaven redefined I guess. I have indulged in making a snowman but guess that should be great funn where you go numb with joy :)

Risha said...

@ puja - Oops, I forgot about it. Will send them soon.

@ Sunita - yeah , this was my first snowman i ever made and it turned out to be nice :-) I loved the snow.