Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Special visitors!!!

Today we had one of the top mgmt from the H.O visiting our office. Seeing the preperations reminded me of my school days when the school would undergo inspection and the principal would announce a lot of instructions as to what things to be done. The teachers would instruct as to how to wish the inspector..couple of rehearsals would be done too.
The school would be cleaned to perfection...not one weed would be able to grow under the tree, the desks would be well aligned..we had to be best dressed blah blah. The inspector would go around the school and would hardly ask any questions to us and whew once he left the school premises the teachers and principal would relax...(and so would we...arey baba we get a break from all the instructions na)
A similar story happened today... the meeting was announced way ahead of time and were promised lunch (on the house).....the core values of the co were distributed (as if he wud ask..wht is the core value...he he ) and we were instructed to keep the presentations short and to the point and all the managers were busy with making their presentations and keeping in synch. the admin was busy with logistics preperations and HR on the company rep.
We kept waiting for our 'inspector' who was supposed to be here at 12 noon...which was gonna be followed by lunch (till 1330 and all hungry souls by then finished all the fruits and biscuits available.) the time (or shd i say the 'inspector') came and the lunch arrival was yummy lunch with 2 desserts...With all food tucked in we attended (slept) the 3 hour presentation(did they say short and to the point...). The organisors are now taking a normal breath since 'the day' is over and all went fine...and we all enjoyed the great food and 3 hours Zzzzzzzz :)
Special visitors always means lots of preperations..this reminds me of times when the guy comes home to see the gal with his family...that is fun too....ha ha ha...will write it some other time.

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