Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm tagged : A dozen things about me

I am tagged by Sunita and was wondering what more can I write about myself especially after saying most rather 100 things about myself here, Hopefully I do justice to this post and say things about me that are not obvious from my previous blogs

1. I tend to judge boys on the amount of food they eat( I know I know I should not..keep telling this to myself), but if boys eat less, I think they are sissy boys :)

2. I've tried smoking once..no no twice...but dint like it, wonder how smokers smoke, it was more of a burning paper smell.(shh.. mom does not know this)

3. When going for parties or first time to somebody's place for dinner or similar situations, I dont mind if I am over dressed but never like to under dress

4. I'm pretty observant( my profession demands it too!!) and have good intuitive skills :)

5. I can easily talk to strangers( rather anybody), infact once in a transit visa in Hongkong, I roamed the city with a total stranger for 8 hours ( now when i think of it, it scares me)

6. I am fond of hats, I have a collection of atleast 15 different types of head wear :)

7. I love to drive, and love the vehicles I drive, be it my kine or my car, I talk to them ( whacko huh)

8. I love talking with my friends at length be it on phone, but i prefer going to some place where we can relax and talk, like mocha, Kiva or the sofa at home. Me and my friend would chat everyday till 2 a.m and believe me our topics never repeated :)

9. Puja is my first friend in this life, we know each other from the time we were in our mom's (respective moms) tummy :) and still good friends :) There are many similarities in our life (definitely not in our taste, she would agree) like even our cars, though she bought hers a year or 2 after i did, my car license plate is 6292 and hers is 6922.

10. My brother thinks I am a total gone case, good for nothing and a brat he he he but still loves me and ensures I have the latest gadgets(be it mobile phone, laptop), he thinks I am crazy whenever he sees me clicking pics.

11. I have more than 1 cell phone charger, one in the car, two at home, one at my office desk, then too I forget to charge my cell phone :)

12. I dont throw garbage on the streets and would not let my family and friends to do so too, I've made them pick it up and keep it in their pockets whenever they did so :). I would do whatever it takes to make the place, city I live a better place of course I do get into lot of arguments coz of it but then...it is worth it.

Now my turn to tag : I tag Puja, Prax, Mr J, Ruz and Push


Unknown said...

And I think this cute London walli is also a tubelight. Personally experienced and verified info!

Sunita said...

hey there were things in here that even I didn't know.

Pushpa said...

I so loved it...very cute...

Beens said...

I'll have to start noting things more closely and verify some of the things. Good to know a few more things abt u.

Risha said...

@ All : Thanks for the lovely comments :)