Thursday, December 07, 2006

Earth is Flat?

Today while updating my profile on blogger, I was asked the following Random question
What reason do you have to believe the earth is flat?
I thought and thought and thought and my answer is

I dont believe that the earth is flat, reason, my geography teacher told me so. Give me another question and don't put words in my mouth he he he:)
wht do u say, Do u have a reason?? What did your geography teacher have to say on that?
I just cud'nt think out of the box.
P.S: BTW thinking about flat anybody read the book The world(not earth) is Flat?


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I think the earth is appeared to visible flat these days, thanks to BMC for laying down roads on top of it....otherwise badi mushkil hoti to travel places, if the earth was not flat :)

Havent read that book though....lemme see if its avaialable for download :D

Magnolia said...

my reason would be...

"The fact that I'm rolling on it."

Risha said...

@arz000n : :) good one, so did you find the book?

@magnolia: ahhh, I heard the earth is a sphere too, hope you not rolling on the edge ;)