Tuesday, June 13, 2006

10 things to do at work when there is no work

Untill last week I had lots and lots of work....no time for food...morning 8:30 to night 11 it was just my application, my desk, test scripts and defect sheet and now...there is nothing to do at all.
What can one do when there is no work at office.

1. Write mails to friends (include friends that you dint write for years)

2. Search for school/college and old friends (but cant do tht here...orkut and other alumini sites are blocked)

3. Read blogs

4. Chat - Here there are various options ( i finished chatting with friends in India...and US friends have yet to come online..they are sleeping )so chatted with robot check this out...http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?botid=f5d922d97e345aa1

5. Call friends ( I finished my calling card minutes, free talk time and my prepaid card is empty)

6. Read news

7. learn something new like a new tool (ahh this is something which I started to do..but got bored :) )

8. clean the desk and drawers

9. Clean your desktop, emails

10. Pretend to work. (this should be the first in list actually ;)

When there was work I wished there was no work and now that there is no work I wish there was work. Its funny how our minds work, Seems like the grass is always greener on the other side..but I think I want work..but not much...as much that I can finish from 9 to 6 :)


Anonymous said...

Hey, Did u get soooo desperate that u started chatting with robots..That's not a good sign.. :)

Anyways, good points which I also can follow. May if I find something I can add to your list.. hihihi..

Anonymous said...

Some few additions:

- Convince friend's to come for a movie that doesn't show anymore
- Fight with old men and then clean it up by 4
- Couple up with a weak guy and argue online with a stronger guy and then feel hapy about winning!
- Google names like "Ruzan" and impress others by knowing everything about their names :))